Welcome to Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association
Maharashtra Orthopedic AssociationMaharashtra Orthopedic AssociationMaharashtra Orthopedic Association
Monday - Saturday
Satara Road, Pune-37.




For the first time in History, MOA is conducting its Annual Conference at Mumbai.

Ultra-modern and Comprehensive Academics

More than 250 crème de la crème, National & International Faculties

Armada of Internationally renowned Surgeons, world-class Academicians and High-standard Educational Institutes

7 workshops at different centres in and around Mumbai for a whole day

The 3-day conference will be conducted in 8 different Halls

Participation of about 1500 Delegates

The Thematic talks, plenary sessions, workshops, innovative techniques, poster & papers presentations will impart Kaleidoscopic View of the Orthopaedic World

Souvenir, Legends of MOA, as a tribute to Doyens in Orthopedics, who had helped MOA to reach at the Sky-high

There will be enthralling, memorable Evening Entertainment and Social Events

Conference Secretariat

  • Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association C/o. Karne Hospital, Pune Satara Road, Near Laxmi Narayan Theatre, Swargate, Pune 411037.
  • +91 7875446478
  • moacon24themajestic@gmail.com

Conference Event Manager

  • VAMA EVENTS PVT LTD., Kohinoor Square Phase I, B Wing, Ofce No. 1004, 10th Floor, N.C. Kelkar Road, Shivaji Park, Dadar West Mumbai - 400 028.
  • 022 46052832
  • conferences@vamaevents.com

Conference Brochures


CONFERENCE Organised By :

Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association
C/o. Karne Hospital,
Pune Satara Road, Near Laxmi Narayan Theatre,
Swargate, Pune 411037.
Mob. No. +91 7875446478
Email : moacon24themajestic@gmail.com

VAMA EVENTS PVT LTD., Kohinoor Square Phase I,
B Wing, Office No. 1004, 10th Floor, N.C. Kelkar Road,
Shivaji Park, Dadar West Mumbai – 400 028
Tel. No. 022 46052832 
Email :  conferences@vamaevents.com

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)